Attempt? Book


Suddenly two shots rang out from approximately 150 yards away. The secret service went into their protective mode and immediately covered the president elect and vice-president elect and whisked them away to a secure bunker.

When they were secure, an agent radioed the perimeter sniper guards. “Magnum base to sniper one, do you read me. Over.” “I read you loud and clear.” “Do you see anything in your scope?” “Nothing sir.”

“Magnum base to sniper two. Is there anything in your scope?” “Nothing……hold on sir. I see an individual lying on the ground about 125-150 yards from Magnum base ground zero. He appears to just be lying there with a rifle lying beside him.” “Be on alert. I’m sending a team to investigate. Provide cover.” “Copy that sir.”

Magnum base sent two agents to investigate the area but could find nothing but the person on the ground. It was a man with a sniper rifle beside him, and he was dead with two entry bullet wounds.

The Democratic committee chairman addressed the committee members. “Find out who was responsible for the attack. This wasn’t our attempt, so we have another player. We must be extremely careful so we don’t cross paths with the other assassins so we can complete the coup.”